Edit Table Metadata

Edit Tables

Right click at the top of a table to open its context menu:

  • Rename Table: change the name of the table in the data model, without changing it in the source database (which is done in the Data Flow).
  • Duplicate Table: duplicate a table in the data model.
  • Add Prefix: add a prefix to the table name in the data model.
  • Add Suffix: add a suffix to the table name in the data model.
  • Mark as a Security Table: mark the table as a security table to hide it in the data model.
  • Set as Distribution Table: mark as a distribution table; the table will not appear in the data model, but will be available for dynamic distribution of publications.

Left click on a table to open its Properties panel, where you can edit the:

  • Display Name: the same as the 'Rename Table' function listed above.
  • Description: add a description to the table.
  • Additional Properties:
    • Security: the same as the 'Mark as a Security Table' function listed above.
    • Distribution: the same as the 'Mark as Distribution Table' function listed above.

Edit Columns

Right click on a column to:

  • Set primary key: set the given column as the table's primary key; this should be the primary key in the data source.
  • Rename: rename the column in the data model.
  • Measure: apply a measure aggregation type to the given column in the data model.
  • Measure Formats: apply a measure format to the specified measure column in the data model.
  • Category: categorize the column by selecting a logical type from the Category list.
  • Mark as a Security Column: mark the column as a security column to hide it in the data model.
  • Mark as a Distribution Column: mark as a distribution column; the column will not appear in the data model, but will be available for dynamic distribution of publications.

Left click on a column to open its metadata panel, where you can change the column’s:

  • Display Name: same as the 'Rename' function listed above.
  • Description: add a description to the column.
  • Folder: create a folder where the column should be located.
  • Category: same as the 'Category' function listed above.
  • Security: same as the 'Mark as a Security Column' function listed above.
  • Distribution: the same as the 'Mark as a Distribution Column' function listed above.
  • Measures: set the column's measure aggregation and format, measure name, description, and folder.